August 29th Menai Strait (2 shouts)

The Lifeboat was launched to render assistance to a motor cruiser which had suffered engine failure in the Menai Strait near Caernarfon.  The vessel was towed to Caernarfon and was safely put alongside.

The lifeboat was diverted to render assistance to a small vessel that had suffered engine failure close to the pier at Menai Bridge.  The casualty vessel was towed safely to port.

August 28th Menai Strait

The Lifeboat was launched to rescue 3 fishermen who were cut off by the
rising tide near Nelson's Column in the Menai Strait. They were put ashore safely.

August 28th Menai Strait

A Motor cruiser ran aground and damaged both drive shafts and
engine. The Lifeboat towed the vessel to a safe mooring in Friars Bay.

Auguet 28th Brittannia Bridge

The Coastguard requested a launch as a diver was suspected to be in difficulties, he surfaced in a pool adjacent to tidal rip near Brittania Bridge and was unable to get ashore.  The lifeboat recovered the diver and landed him ashore at Menai Bridge.

August 26th Penmon

The Lifeboat was launched to a Kayak in trouble off Penmon point. A local charter boat recovered a person from the water, the lifeboat brought kaywaker ashore and then returned to collect the vessel and bring it back to the station. The kayaker's dry suit had not been zipped up before entering water and so he got into difficulties.

August 14th 16:00 Puffin Island

A yacht had run out of fuel and the skipper was having difficulty in sailing from the PuffinIsland area into the MenaiStraits due to the adverse wind direction.  The lifeboat was launched to render assistance and the yacht was towed to the casualty mooring in Friar's Bay.  The crew were taken ashore.

The unmanned tender found floating near Puffin Island, which was taken ashore by the Beaumaris lifeboatearlier in the afternoon belonged to this yacht.

August 14th 14:00 Puffin Island

The Coastguard reported that an small open boat was drifting close to Puffin Island with nobody on-board.  The lifeboat was launched toinvestigate.  The open boat was found by the lifeboat crew and towed to the beach at Penmon Point and handed over to the Coastguard shore patrol. It was thought that the boat had broken free from its mooring and may have been drifting for some time.

August 4th 3pm Beaumaris Pier

The RNLI at Beaumaris was called out when a passenger cruiser returning from a trip hit Beaumaris Pier. The volunteer lifeboat crew launched the inshore lifeboat to take an injured female passenger who was unable to walk off the cruiser and bring her ashore to the waiting paramedics and ambulance, so she could be taken to Ysbyty Gwynedd.
The lifeboat then went back out to the cruiser to escort it safely to Gallows Point.

August 2nd 09:30am Near Bangor Pier

Beaumaris RNLI was called out to a 28ft yacht between Bangor Pier and Menai Bridge that had something caught around the propeller. On arrival at the scene the volunteer lifeboat crew found the skipper of the yacht had managed to pick up a mooring, so the lifeboat crew boarded the yacht and were able to free the propeller. The yacht then proceeded to Conwy while the lifeboat returned to the lifeboat station.

July 31st Ynys Gorad Goch

In the second incident of the day, the RNLI at Beaumaris were called out to Ynys Gorad Goch in the Menai Strait following the report of an injured man on the rocks. On arrival at the scene the volunteer lifeboat crew were joined by two paramedics who immediately started to treat the casualty. As the tide was receding it was felt it was too slippy to carry the casualty over the rocks to the lifeboat so the SAR helicopter was called out who then transported the man to Ysbyty Gwynedd.

July 31st 13:18 Gallows Point

Beaumaris Lifeboat was called out to tow a 26ft powerboat with engine failure from Beaumaris to Gallows Point.