October 29th 12:30am Menai Bridge

Police reported a camper van half submerged with 2 people in it on slip at Menai Bridge. Beaumaris Lifeboat attended and took 2 people aboard apparently suffering from shock and cold, requested an ambulance and ferried them ashore and waited with them until they were handed over to paramedics. The Lifeboat then returned to station.

Oct 28th 14:21 Puffin Island

A member of public reported 2 Kayaks apparently struggling between Penmon and Puffin Island. Beaumaris Lifeboat launched and located the Kayakers who reported that they were not in difficulties. The lifeboat left them to continue with their Kayaking.

October 1st 18:20 - Penmaenmawr

Beaumaris RNLI was called out at 18.20 in response to two red flares seen between Penmaenmawr and Friar’s Bay and on arrival at the scene found two jet skiers from Colwyn Bay who had run aground on a sandbank.    As the tide would not be in till 22.40 for the jet skies to refloat and because the jet skiers had no form of communication with them or lighting on the skis, one of the RNLI’s volunteer crew disembarked the lifeboat and remained with the jet skiers while the lifeboat returned to the boathouse.   When the tide had come in the lifeboat was relaunched, picked up its crew member and escorted the jet skiers to Beaumaris and was back at the boathouse at midnight where the skis were left overnight while the skiers returned to Colwyn Bay by taxi.   The jet skiers returned Sunday 2 October, to collect their skis.